1. In my experience I'd stick with a family of cables. Purchase the same brand. To me the sound just becomes more cohesive.
2. I readily endorse cables made by Signal Cable, VH Audio or BPT Technology. Setting up your system with either one will give you great results. At Signal Cable call and talk with Frank, he will have specific recommendations based on your setup. At BPT call and talk with Chris he'll give you great recommendations too.
3. Don't fall into the trap of spending thousands of dollars on super expensive cables, not that I can't hear the difference, but you get so little improvement (let's agree on a different sound) from the super expensive cables vs. cables made by the above companies (there are other cable makers who make a great cable for little $$ too). I'd invest in a better preamp, speakers, CD player, or amps before spending thousands on cables.
4. Of course, cabling your system can make a big difference to the overall sonic signature, but purchasing well made, nuetral cables, and staying inside that cable family makes more sense than purchasing a hodge podge of expensive cables that really become expensive tone controls and I might add makes more sense than purchasing the hot "Cable of the Month".
Just my opinion of course,
Best listening,