Benfits of upgraded connectors

I've been looking into upgrading/changing my ic's and of course have noticed that many mfg's offer and charge for "premium" connectors.
Is there a sonic benefit with these connectors? For example, will an upgraded Cardas connector sound better than a standard RCA connector on the same cable?
I take no position on sonic differences among rca connectors. However, some technical misconceptions have been expressed above that should be corrected. Resistance in a connection path will only matter if it becomes a significant fraction of the impedance that is being driven. Also, resistance will be proportional to length, and obviously connectors are very short.

The resistance through any pair of connectors making reasonable contact with each other will be a tiny fraction of an ohm. Component input impedances are usually in the range of 10,000 to 200,000 ohms.

If different metals sound different when used in rca connectors on line-level interconnects, it is not because they have different resistances or conductivities.

-- Al
Well, I admit I don't know exactly why they sound different. But I do know that I can easily hear the removal of a 4 ohm resister from my crossovers, and removing connectors is an even greater change in clarity and depth although they measure much less than 4 ohms.
On the other side of the coin, there are those that will swear that nothing beats bare wire connections. LOL