Peachtree Decco speaker decision help

After a lot of thought I decided to get a Peachtree Audio Decco unit from Peachtree directly for $500. I just ordered it last night so hoping to have it by next week. The system will be used in our family room which opens to the kitchen. 18x18x9 room which opens up to the kitchen. Anyone have thoughts on some bookshelfs for this little Decco? I have read that the unit is best used with speakers in the 87db rating. Looking to spend no more then $400 on speakers. Planning on spending no more the $100 on speaker cable. Some speakers on my short list.

1.) PSB B25
2.) B&W 6 series?
3.) NHT classic 2/3?

Any experiences will be greatly appreciated. Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving.
...or Triangle Titus 202. I use those with a tube DAC and a low power vintage Yamaha receiver to very good effect.
Rega R1 is great, look at the Axiom speakers also. Easy to drive and the aluminum drivers are surprisingly smooth. I owned a pair and drove them well with just a little NAD L-40 which is a whopping 20wpr.