Can pandora be improved?

I have pandora and mog and am curious if something can be added to improve the sound quality? Thanks, Scott
Hi, I am sure you have found your answer by now, but if not, in the settings section of pandora, there is an option for high quality sound. It's a better option and indeed improved sound. This option at the time of your question was only for premium members of pandora, those who had a paid subscription, now. It's available to all... Hope this helps...
Here's the answer straight from below "It might be time to pay for Pandora subcription"
I listen to Pandora a lot. Am a subscriber. Was running a V-DAC off an ASUS netbook. The thing that recently made a big improvement was the addition of the V-LINK. Both are gen 1 devices. Music off Pandora really sounds great now.
I get the same results I've noticed when I use the iPhone with the Sync cable via USB into my car head unit vs. the Android phone using the mini audio input into the same head unit as a non-subscriber member. But this is Apples and Oranges compared to your V-Link setup.
I used to subscribe to Pandora premium but canceled since they never supported 192k for Squeezebox devices. I loved the Pandora Genome technology but the low bitrate was not worth it. I now use Spotify but only for the higher bitrate. Would go for Pandora in a heartbeat if they stepped up in sound quality. With that being said, I recently bought a Logitech Transporter. Pandora sounds MUCH better on the Transporter than the Touch even though it's the same 128k bitrate. Although Spotify is still much better SQ-wise, I would be happy with the SQ of Pandora played through the Transporter.