The Physics of Electricity

Can anyone explain clearly in either common parlance or technical terms the difference between a $1,000.00 cable and/or speaker wire versus a $20.00 (or so) one? What does wire "do" in an expensive cable/wire that an inexpensive cable/wire does not? Does it conduct more or "better" electricity?
It just puts 980 more dollars into someones pocket!! That's all! God gave you a brain, use it!!!
About 20(?) years ago while purchasing a power amp, the dealer compared a few cables for me and my friend, not telling us the brands or price. We both agreed that one cable clearly sounded better. Turned out to be a Van den Hul.
Neither of us were/are audio experts, but we both greatly preferred the same cable with this amp.
My only point is, cables do sound different for whatever reason. Not sure price has much to do with it.
I'm like Nonoise. I pay what I believe gives me the most bang for my buck. Rok2id is fortunate where he can't hear a difference, so he doesn't need to spend money in that area. Same goes for having a boom-box or separates. You pay whatever amount necessary for what quality you want to hear.
Almarg, I know you have answered these same type questions with the same answer many times. Keep it up! Maybe cut and paste. Although no one seems to be paying attention it makes the most sense to me.

I don't think the OP of this thread is necessarily a troll. They did buy cables, and may be looking for something as to what they should hear, and why. Understanding it isn't easy unless you understand some electronic technology. The science and theory is complicated for most.