Interconnects: solid or hollow core wire?

Which makes for better interconnects, all else being equal, single core or hollow core wire? Thin or thick gauge? Experience first, theory second!
To address the bass issue that Agisthos mentioned, DNM has developed two different solid core speaker cables. The Precision Speaker Cable (the thinner of the two) is designed to be used for speakers above 90db. I used this in my old 300b to Lowther speaker set up with great results. The Stereo is designed to be used in speakers that are under 90db. This is a "thicker" cable that DNM made for high current amps and harder to drive speakers. DNM found through customer feedback that the Precision wire wasn't doing all it should in this configuration. I am now using the Stereo in my curent set up and have no desire to change it out.
Hey Rodge, Yes I am using the newer, thicker DNM wire for 'normal' speakers.

I should clarify, when I say it lacks the last octave, I am being unfair, because this is only in comparison to my Downsize Audio 2" wide copper ribbon cables. They have an extra octave in bass compared to most speaker cables, not just DNM.

The Downsize Audio ribbons are the best speaker cables I have heard so far, but they are 10 times the price. For the money the DNM kicks ass.

I have found that solid core is better than stranded in either IC or speaker cables. But then ultra thin ribbon cables are better again, but more expensive.
DNM must be the best bang for the buck cables I've ever had the pleasure of hearing. However, if you can fork over the extra dough, Crimson may be the last cable you ever try. Just my opinion....
why is there a concern of a cable having stranded or solid core wire ?

the type of wire is but one variable which will determine how a cable will interact between two components.

i would prefer to just listen to a cable and then inquire about its composition and design--in that order.

the distinction between solid and stranded wire, independent of other factors seems arbitrary.

there are plenty of decent stranded and solid core cables.
Thanks for the info on the Downsize Audio cables, I'm going to look into them.

I went from Crimson to DNM cables....The DNM IC's with the HFTN upgrade ($500.00) are really something special...perhaps system dependent?

Mr. Boyd asked the question and well, I have used both stranded and solid core cables and prefer solid core. I agree with you in the sence that we should allow our own ears (awesome measuring devices that God gave us) to decide the outcome. Perhaps Mr. Boyd is trying to find a good place to start and not blow a lot of cash in the process. :-)
