Do Interconnects need to "warm up"?

My system is left on most of the time and sometimes on standby. I noticed that when I first start to listen the sound is a bit bright. All of my IC's are balanced and single ended Silver Streaks, the components are Krell. It seems to take almost a half hour before the system seems to calm down where it then sounds smooth and sweet. So I was wondering, is it possible that IC's may need to warm up as some equipment does - your thoughts? Thanks!
Cynics and peeps with an agenda aside, I have never heard anything that did not "Warm Up" in the audio chain. This goes doubly for cables.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
AQ has an entire technology based on cables staying "warmed up" (DBS) from batteries (at least I think that's what they do)...I like it! I don't own any...but hey...I STILL like it!
I have an AQ power cord with DBS, which kind of doesn't make sense, since it's charged all the time from the AC, but I does like the sound....alot!!
Realistic isn't always cynical, but Synergistic research products are unrealistic for me. ROI is too small or nothing vs. Mogamy as an example.
"AQ has an entire technology based on cables staying "warmed up" (DBS) from batteries (at least I think that's what they do)...I like it! I don't own any...but hey...I STILL like it! "

Yes, I have a pair of these. I like them too. I have never been able to attribute any identifiable sound difference to the DBS devices, but I still like the way the wires sound and the DBS gadget in theory at least.

Where's Rod Serling when you need him...............