Do powercords make a difference in sound?

Do they make a difference by upgrading stock power cords in amps, ect versus aftermarket power cords? If so, can anyone advise a good bang for the buck upgrade?
Ha Ha. I tried being serious but nothing works when your dealing with a fanatic.

I said some PCs are overengineered and overpriced and not a good value, not all.

I'll stand by that assertion with no problem whatsoever.

ALso that making a good power cord is not rocket science.

GEtting lots of clean power when needed in general can be an issue in many but not all cases. A power cord alone cannot solve that problem when present.
Mapman, I'm sorry, but as I said that doesn't make your case. I doubt seriously given my experiences that many pcs are well engineered or as I would prefer, designed. As we know from NASA, neither are rockets perfectly designed and trajectories perfect, or we would not need midcourse corrections.

I don't expect to alter your opinion, and you should not expect to alter mine. I would never argue that a power cord can solve all the problems with unclean power. Maybe Enid Lumley was right a long time ago, when she said we all need to generate our own power off grid.

All I can really say is that I have heard changes on the same component of many different power cords. Their impacts varied greatly. I certainly don't have cheap power cords, but I have seldom heard benefits provided by very expensive power cords to justify their prices.

Sounds like we agree on more than disagree.

I wouldn't compare the technical complexity of building a good PC or launching a successful space mission to that required of a power cord though. Very poor analogies!

Plus the space program is government funded therefore I would look there for innovation perhaps but not value.

Succesful commercial computer technologies tend to deliver both or do not survive.

High end wires are a boutique market with limited market. By their nature, they have to be expensive in order to survive. Only a select few will see value for whatever reason.

I might like to buy NASA mission grade surplus power cords if available for market value. Anybody know of such a thing? I think I have seen some power receptacles around this site that are of similar lineage.