11-20-12: Almarg
...we are here to share information, ideas, and experiences, which hopefully will be mutually beneficial as we try to guide our investments of time and money in directions that stand the greatest chance of being rewarding.
I for one agree completely with this statement.
Audio is a hobby and people are entitled to approach it however they please, whether it's scientifically or impressionistically. Having said that, many opinions that might be mistaken for scientific are in fact impressionistic. It seems to me that Al was pointing out such an opinion.
Of course this hobby is not a science. But many of the methods and values characteristic of science can be brought to bear on the pursuit of satisfaction in this hobby... methods like controlling confounding variables, careful attributions of causes, explicit and precise definitions of concepts, repeatability as a standard for the validity of conclusions, and so on.
It's also worth pointing out that many conversations that take place daily on A'gon raise issues with strong parallels in the philosophy of science... issues like the role of perception in knowledge, the various forms of explanation, the nature of truth, controversies about how beliefs should be justified, the relation between speculative theories and more established bodies of knowledge, interlevel relations in complex systems, reductionism, emergence, and so on.
For some people, myself included, the "scientific" approach to this hobby enhances their enjoyment of it. It's not only the enjoyment of having a system that is more suited to your preferences, but also the enjoyment of the PROCESS that the "scientific" approach encourages - a process of both discovery and understanding.