Tbg & Richard, why are we all here? Most fundamentally, as I see it, and as I believe most of us see it, we are here to share information, ideas, and experiences, which hopefully will be mutually beneficial as we try to guide our investments of time and money in directions that stand the greatest chance of being rewarding.
When someone starts a thread proclaiming that "I am stunned .... I can finally say that I am a skeptic no longer with respect to biwiring," and it is only upon VERY careful reading of the post that it becomes apparent that this conclusion was reached by comparing a biwired connection of a speaker in his room, with his system, vs. a single wired connection of that speaker in a dealer's showroom, with a completely different system, shouldn't that statement be challenged?
And if, as you say, all that matters is that the poster is satisfied, what is the point to his post, and indeed to the forum itself?
Frankly, and with all due respect, I am dumbfounded at your positions on this issue.
-- Al
When someone starts a thread proclaiming that "I am stunned .... I can finally say that I am a skeptic no longer with respect to biwiring," and it is only upon VERY careful reading of the post that it becomes apparent that this conclusion was reached by comparing a biwired connection of a speaker in his room, with his system, vs. a single wired connection of that speaker in a dealer's showroom, with a completely different system, shouldn't that statement be challenged?
And if, as you say, all that matters is that the poster is satisfied, what is the point to his post, and indeed to the forum itself?
Frankly, and with all due respect, I am dumbfounded at your positions on this issue.
-- Al