How does the sound change as power cables burn in?

What are the key changes you have experienced? Which cable? In which characteristic? How long does it take? How big was the change? etc
Some cables, usually excellent ones, continue improving after 200 hours but not dramatically. And not only power cords.
I would have to agree with Glory. I can understand an interconnect having an effect on sound but not a power cord. I am all for having a good quality power cord so it can deliver the proper amount of current but because it is before the power supply I just can't see how burn-in has any effect at all on a power cord.
Can you understand how a Bumblebee flies? It's an aerodynamic impossiblility. There are quite a few things that work in this world, that no one actually has a concrete answer for, YET! One thing I DO know; Any improvements to the power supply of a piece of audio gear(and/or the power to it), can provide great sonic benefit.
Liguy, you completely missed the point made by Glory. Glory did not dismiss that power cords can have an affect on sound. The point was that there was no difference from a cord right off the production line to how it will sound after it has been burned in.

Good point Rodman99999
there is no consistent pattern to the change in sound of a cable as it "ages". having auditioned and reviewed many products, i can attetst to noticing veiling and attenuation of the highs, initially, with some, and as has benn mentioned, an unbalanced frequency response, favoring the treble, in others.

break-in does not always improve the sound. in some cases the true character emerges, e.g., brightness, which is not apparent at first.