What is Phase Angle and Shifting?

A number of threads make reference to phase angle and time domain. I've seen these terms mentioned before in the context of speaker reviews. In addition, and I don't know if this point touches on the question I just raised, but one of the positive attributes associated with Vandersteen speakers is that the various drivers are time and phase coherent. Because I am not an electrical engineer, I would appeciate it if one or both would kindly provide an explanation of these concepts that a layperson could understand.

On an intuitive basis, it seems that a speaker system with various drivers should be designed in such a way that the crossover does not change the time relationship between the various drivers. Or stated differently, the drivers should work in such a way that electrical signal fed to each driver should reach that driver at the right time so as not to change the overall harmonic structure of the sound emited by the drivers as compared to the harmonic structure of the analogue signal fed into the speaker.

do panel speakers have less problems in phase distortion than cone designs ?
Mrtennis: Not familiar how ESL's compare with their integral transformer but magnetic planars have no voice coils and primarily resistive across their range and have negligible phase "distortion". That, in itself, doesn't make them ideal but I've wondered if that has always been part of the appeal.
Ok thanks. I get the picture. The topic is a can of worms. Let me try to simplify the question a little. In the context of tube versus SS amps, I recall reading comments that certain speakers can be hard to drive for certain amps because impedance in the lower bass frequencies is very low AND the speakers present "hard" phase angles. Anyone care to explain the concept??

Also, as a high level observation, there are a number of OPs that ruminate about accuracy and precision of sound systems. In light of the thoughtful comments made here and elsewhere about so called time and phase coherent speakers, it would appear the macro concept of accuracy and precision is disingenuous. Even if one believes that their electronic gear perfectly amplifies input signal information, i.e., so called gain on a wire, the speakers are at best the culmination of design compromises that include issues pertaining to time and phase conherence.

Notably, there are several comments in various OPs that contend that not all time and phase differences sound that bad. And further, attempts to "correct" such differences create other sonic problems.

In short, if one would compare the complex sound waves comprising music produced by a speaker to the same electronic analogue signal fed into the speaker, there must be considerable distoration, especially around the cross over points of the drivers as well as at the resonant frequencies of the drivers. However, I surmise that the difference between a speaker that sounds good and one that does not is a function in large part of whether the harmonic distortion sounds good or bad.

It's kinda' like tryin' to squeeze jello in the palm of your hand. When you tighten your hand around the jello, some is bound to squeeze out between your fingers. There's no getting around it. So the trick is squeeze, but not too much.

Thanks for the information. This discussion puts a different spin on speakers, at least for me.
"However, I surmise that the difference between a speaker that sounds good and one that does not is a function in large part of whether the harmonic distortion sounds good or bad."

Or an amp, or a concert hall, etc. We all like distortion :).