Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?

I've been listening to some Ocellia interconnects now and am just amazed at their naturalness and tonality. They have great detail and sound staging. Would be intested in hearing from others who have any experience with this line?
So now I have all Ocellia ICs and power cords and want to try their speaker cable but hear they lack weight, who has experience with their sc good or bad?
Because even my dealer who uses Ocellia cables doesn't use their speaker cables, prefers something else.
My 2 cents worth, I `ve had both the Ocellia Reference IC and SC for 8 months. The SC is superb! every bit as compelling as the IC.They share the sme level of naturalness,honesty and the uncanny realism.I find both to be excellently balanced with neither favoring a particular portion of the frequency spectrum.Tone and overtones/harmonic preservation is superb.

I`m sure your dealer has a reason for his choices as this stuff is just subjective.If you`re happy with the IC I suspect you`ll have the same out come with the wonderful SC.Again,they`re both very honest and nuanced,they will not hide, compensate or coverup flaws esle where in a system.They`re peas in a pod and naturally work well together.
Rsf507, When I was auditioning Ocellia I went to the TAVES show in Toronto to hear the system. They had the whole system hooked up and driving Zu speakers. I was there on a Friday and loved the sound. I returned on Sunday to hear the system again with a friend and when I went into the room the system had lost life, lost some air and it felt heavy. Too heavy. I was saddened as I thought I had miss-heard the system two days prior.
In taking a closer look, Ocellia had been obliged to change all the interconnects and speaker cables to a brand he was sharing the cost of the room with. I will not mention the name of this brand, you may be able to find it searching 6moons review of the 2011 show. The replacement cables were five to ten times the cost. It was the cables that had given all the weight but it was the wrong weight, it was imbalanced.
As the years go by I have learned what balanced sound is, I am still learning but any cable that adds or takes away is a scary proposition. Ocellia cables do not do that, I own a complete set and the Calliope.21twin speakers. With a revealing system one has to be cautious with cables that influence the sound. The Ocellia cables simply pass everything through, all the high, all the deep grunting lows and most importantly all the information in the middle. If something is lacking with Ocellia cables in your system, it is not the cables doing it.
Having said that with less revealing systems in the past I certainly would entertain modifying the sound with cables, unfortunately as your ears and brain matures and learns about balanced sound you will hear the artificial influence in your system. Although some people never do learn or care about that. That is okay as long as they are happy, but those same people can often be the ones making comments most about what this cable or that cable adds or takes away from their system.
Hope this helps a little.