Morrow MA3 interconnects

I have recently been using Morrow MA3 interconnects. I really like the top end of what the cables bring to the table however It does not bring in the bass,,, a like a more authoritative sound. Any suggestions of what I can try that has the best of both worlds. I buy used and my budget is around 300.00. Thanks
That is odd. Different systems I guess. I found happiness in my system with the MA2 interconnects, I returned the MA3's for a different reason, but I felt they had the best bass of any interconnect I had tried.
I purchased them used from a third party, They could need additional time, I also own KCI firefly IC and they do many things well but I prefer the top end of the MA3's. I will keep listing and see what happens.
Try the MAC Ultimate Silver. You can have them burned in prior to recieving them. They will cost you below the $300 budget new.
I've tried just about every cable and these cables with the pure 5 nine silver is really very good.
Another good cable for bass is from a new cable maker called, Amadie cable try the Barb Masters, they also have very nice bass.
I always thought that copper cables had the best bass, but it seems high quality silver that has been soft annealed have better deep quality bass.
I also have the MA2's w/about 350 hours on them with exceptional bass driving Klipsch Forte 1's.