Isolation transformer

I am considering installing an isolation transformer for my dedicated subpanel. I am interested in the Torus or Equitech.

Has anyone installed an IT and ended up not using it much or returned to passive power conditioner/active AC regenerators?

My Topaz is a 2.4KVA and I did not see any taps to adjust the voltage. BTW the Topaz Is a balanced output with a whopping -146db in common mode rejection (neutral to ground)(forget what normal mode was). I used a clamp on amp probe to measure the current then multiplied by the input voltage to get the 90w. Now my Topaz does have a slight hum (wish I could teach it the words intead).
It`s refreshing to read the posts of other balanced transformer owners who`s experiences have been as rewarding as my own(note the various brands also). This does represent good science/engineering priciples put to use to significantly improve the sound and enjoyment of one`s audio system. A well designed balanced isolation transformer(of proper size for the job) is definitely money well spent.
Many thanks for the informative posts.

What are the things to pay attention to when setting one up?

Which brand of ITs should I go for ? I was going to try equi=tech but learnt that they no longer source transformers from Plitron. I am thinking of the Torus.