Isolation transformer

I am considering installing an isolation transformer for my dedicated subpanel. I am interested in the Torus or Equitech.

Has anyone installed an IT and ended up not using it much or returned to passive power conditioner/active AC regenerators?

I think an Isolation on dedicated lines is a good idea. In an isolation transformer the output winding will be isolated, or floating from earth ground unless bonded at the time of installation. Secondary neutral to ground bonding virtually eliminates common mode noise, providing an isolated neutral-ground reference for sensitive equipment and an inexpensive alternative to the installation of dedicated circuits and site electrical upgrades.

An isolation transformer allows an AC signal or power to be taken from one device and fed into another without electrically connecting the two circuits. Isolation transformers block transmission of DC signals from one circuit to the other, but allow AC signals to pass. They also block interference caused by ground loops. Isolation transformers with electrostatic shields are used for power supplies for sensitive equipment. Isolation transformers are different from auto transformers in which the primary and secondary share a common winding.
I installed a Richard Gray SubStation Pro, 220/110 stepped down, balanced power ISOTransformer, on a dedicated 220 V line and havent looked back. A measley 50 watts of parasitic power on 150 pound of windings is no issue for me. I also have the RGPC 600S parallel choke connected for the complete ISO Gray system. I also have my system ultimately "powered" by one PS Audio Premier dedicated for each monoblock, and P500 for all source components. Two different technologies complimenting one another. Installation of the Gray system,in my case,was based on sound electrical engineering principles, not percieved psycho-acoustical benefits, which is subjective and component based. However I'm sure there is some sound benefit, but that's not the main reason why I purchased it.
My Topaz is a 2.4KVA and I did not see any taps to adjust the voltage. BTW the Topaz Is a balanced output with a whopping -146db in common mode rejection (neutral to ground)(forget what normal mode was). I used a clamp on amp probe to measure the current then multiplied by the input voltage to get the 90w. Now my Topaz does have a slight hum (wish I could teach it the words intead).
It`s refreshing to read the posts of other balanced transformer owners who`s experiences have been as rewarding as my own(note the various brands also). This does represent good science/engineering priciples put to use to significantly improve the sound and enjoyment of one`s audio system. A well designed balanced isolation transformer(of proper size for the job) is definitely money well spent.
Many thanks for the informative posts.

What are the things to pay attention to when setting one up?

Which brand of ITs should I go for ? I was going to try equi=tech but learnt that they no longer source transformers from Plitron. I am thinking of the Torus.