DAC woes - what to do

Oh Boy!!! Another "what should I buy" thread! Yippee!!!
Seriously though... looking for some personal experience and potential recommendations.
Ive been looking for a new CD player recently, preferably in the <$1000 range.
I recently ended up buying a Rega DAC. Actually, I bought an apollo-r at first, but it was possessed by demons and wouldnt play most of my CD's (even new, non-scratched ones.) So, I exchanged it for the DAC instead.
I was lured into the Rega by its very unique sound. Its beefy but articulate and with good definition...or so I thought upon initial comparisons (I compared it with 6 different players in my home system, as well as many others at the shop.)
But, as it breaks-in, the "beef" is turning to "bloat" and the enchantment is waning. Its too "soft" up top to balance the low-end emphasis. Not to mention that one of the toslink connector "shutters" broke off inside the receiver on first attempt to plug it up, and is unusable now. And, the automuting pops/hisses when the transport is powered on (the demo DAC didnt do this.) So, Im already waiting for the replacement to come in. So now is the time to return it, if Im going to.
Anway, back on track... I admit, I got "sucked in" by the so-called "analog" sound, and I did enjoy it for a while. There is something unique about this Rega. The individual instruments are quite articulate, and the soundstage is enormous. But what Ive noticed that that, while the instruments are individually defined, they tend to get "lost" in the vast stage. Its very difficult to place them in relation to each other.
For example, I listen to mostly choir/choral, chamber and full orchestral works. I was originally enchanted to actually hear additional voices from music Ive heard 1000x before. It was very cool. And, the noise floor is extremely low...the instruments seem to come out of a black hole. Its almost eery, especially with dark arrangements. But more and more, especially with "busy," intricate voices, they've begun to "smear," for lack of a better word.
For the "record" (another pun,) I have a halo p7 pre-amp, parasound hca 1500 amp and paradigm studio 20 v5's (with a hsu sub.) Not hi-fi for many, but its a very "honest" sounding system, which is my intent.
I keep thinking back to this peachtree DAC I auditioned. It had better definition and "air" than the Rega (yes, I A/B'd them,) but the Rega destroyed it in the lower frequency response, and was therefore more impressive at the time.
So, Im afraid the Rega has to go back. Not counting the sound, Im a bit concerned about long time reliability (Im 0 for 2 right now with their reliability... not great.)
Im also afraid Im going to have to admit that I like a "digital" sound, as much as people seem to be afraid to admit that. I dont like analog bloom and "laid back" presentation, although I realize a lot of people do, and thats great. And Im convinced there is something out there near my price range that combines the "beef" of the Rega with the "sweet" and definition/clarity of the peachtree.
I dont have any music fidelity dealers here in Atlanta, so Im considering buying an M1 on a hunch. I hate to judge by reviews, but it seems the might be the "ticket" in this price range. Or maybe the Benchmark DAC 1, but again, I dont have any dealers locally to easily hear one.
So, in summary... I want Rega soundstage width, but with a tighter, less accentuated mids and lows, and brighter, crisper highs. Does anyone have any recommendations in the $1k range?
BTW, Im open to single-box players, but Ive listened to a ton lately, and I dont think Im going to find one with as good of an analog output section as many of the DAC's. That seems to be the "ticket" to the magic of the external DAC.
And for the record, I did listen to one much more expensive model, the NAD M51. I only listed to it at the store, and it seemed too bright compared a/b with the Rega, but that might actually be the ticket, especially after break-in. Ill probably demo it at home to compare before I return the Rega.
Again, I might consider the NAD or something like a Bryston BDA-1 at around $2k, but Id prefer to stay around half that.
Anyway, thanks in advance for any input.
Lightspeed240, Benchmark is very revealing often showing problems in the system. It is also very clean - in fact so clean that some people call it very accurate but sterile. It is due to jitter (noise) suppression. It upsamples to equivalent of million times oversampling to finally output at 110kHz (at 192kHz THD of the DAC IC is higher). Original DAC1 with no suffix doesn't have remote. Source is selected by the switch on the front panel. If you buy used avoid very old units since they went thru many revisions. Early models had high output impedance on RCA outputs and Op-Amps manufactured by Signetics/Philips. When Signetics factory burned down in 2000/2001 they sold license to Texas Instruments. TI redesigned die making them fuller sounding.

John Siau believes that warm sound (pronounced even harmonics) is wonderful for voice or guitar but not so great with instruments that have harmonics more complex than series of overtones - like piano (and percussion instruments). He stated that overly warm gear can make piano sound like out of tune.
Hi Lightspeed240,
Interesting thread you started and I appreciate the responses. I'd strongly
encourage you to hear an Audio Note and Benchmark and see what you
think(you'll clearly prefer one or the other). My 2 cents, I'd definitely prefer
the Audio Note(if were between these two choices) but we all hear
differently as the replies here confirm.Tubes in a source component are
very low maintenance and little bother (high power tube amp with multiple
output tubes is a different case). Chayro makes salient points as usual. You
might really like the Metrum Octave if you stick to your price range. I agree
about the importance of a high quality analog stage ( not the place for cost
cutting compromising, same is true of the power supply).
Good Luck,
For the kind of soun the OP is asking for, he should think about a $2K retail budget and try to buy used to keep prices down.

A Chord Qute with a Teddy pardo L-PSU should come below $2k and give great SQ, as will a BMC PureDac. Not sure when the Lampi Amber Dac will be available in the US, but that will be below $2K as well, even optioned up fully. All 3 here give you the DSD playback function as well.

Lightspped, tubes in the Lampi are driven at 25% of rated power and should last 10 years if not defective, so no need for any tube hassles, unless you love to tinker. In any case, tube rolling is easy and you dont have to open the case.
I listen primarily to Classical Music, and I have The same amp and pre that you have. My speakers are B&W 803D but I have the Paradigms in my HT system so my perspective may be helpful.
Purely as a DAC, the Oppo 105 is very impressive. I have had one for 18 months; unfortunately I am sending it in for service today due to a faulty transport issue, but this doesn't apply to the DAC issue. When it works, you will also be able to use it for SACD, DVD-A, HDMI, and USB. The USB is slightly veiled compared to the other inputs.
I use a FireWire DAC now due to the USB issue. I had an Apogee FireWire DAC that I resurrected and it works great. I suggest you investigate Mytek DACs. For $1500 it does DSD, fw, and gets great reviews. It was developed by the same guy that developed DSD for Sony
I have the Rega on a small system and I find to be warm but very underwhelming at the top and bottom (detail wise).

I'm putting together a new main system with parasound halo gear, Martin Logan Montis and I currently have the Oppo 105D as a digital disc and DAC source (hooked to a MAC Mini). If you like neutral sound with tons of detail then it's quite exceptional. The newest firmware takes full advantage of the Sabre DACS (105D only) and with hi rez content it's quite good.