Single Zen Satori Vs. Bi Zu Wax Opinion Please

Hey All;

Thanks in advance for your opinions!

I've recently put in single Zen Satori's, I went from bi-wired Zu Wax's. What is your opinion on this switch?
I have mono block Rawson Pass Aleph 2's.
Thanks for taking interest!
I honestly have a hard time hearing a lot of audio nuance, so I was hoping someone would say something like; "well the Satori is sweeter in the top end". Then I would listen for that. It's really me trying to learn what to listen for between the 2 cables.
In addition I was wondering if someone had similar cables and what there opinions were.
Opps, along with the Rawson amp. I have Totem Hawks. I should of added that to my original post.
If you want to be able to describe the differences you hear, you can train yourself. I offer a few humble suggestions.

• Line up an audio buddy if you can. Conversation about what you hear helps.

• Take notes during the session.

• Pay attention to the music, not to the sound. Forget liquid midrange, airy highs, tight bass. Instead listen for how the music moves you, what instruments you appreciate, the virtuosity of the players. The best listening sessions touch you emotionally.

• In a session listen to the same three to five tracks, twice through. First listen on your regular system. Then swap in the new piece of gear. Then listen to the tracks again. Choose the musical pieces for variety. The second time through, talk about what you hear after each track. Not to repeat myself or anything, but pay attention to music, not sound.
