Speaker cable advice

I am currently looking for a new pair of speaker cables.
My current setup is a pair of CARY SLM 70 tube monoblocks, a counterpoint sa-3000 preamp, cal icon mk2 power boss, rega planar 3 with an rb600 arm with a denon 103 cartridge and PSB stratus goldi speakers. I am currently running morrow ma2 ic's (great cable by the way) and audioquest type 4 speaker cables biwired. My budget is around $500, and I only need about 4 foot runs. I am considering goertz, kimber, xlo, etc. I would like them to be biwired
Any suggestions?
I agree with the Clear Day cable suggestion. I just bought a pair of double shotgun and I am very impressed. I think these are the equal of many much more expensive cables and maybe better in some areas. Paul is also great to work with!
In my Anticables are not so good as many say. They display very cool lifeless sound, doutless well focused but oh so boring and without involvment. I bougth them with the pious illusion they could outperform my old Siltech LS 288 G3 bought in 1997.What a mistake!
The Siltech LS 288 G3 are stellar speaker cables and among the very best ever built. In comparison the Anticables pale tragically. Don't even mind the Anticables could beat the most sophisticated and expensive wires for hi-fi. If you own Siltech or Argento or Elrod or other avoid them absolutely!
While not an affordable cable, talk to David Schulte at The Upgrade Company. His TimePortal speaker cables and interconnects are wonderful.

He makes them, and will explain the science behind them as well.
This is what I would do (in fact have done it with great results: get a Signal cable ultra biwire run and double up with clear day double shotgun. Will meet your budget and give you great sound!