Interconnect question

I would like to get a better IC that goes from Preamp to amp, but....

currently have a technics sl-1200 mk/2 turntable and that has the rca connections on it. That gets connected to a ps audio gcph phono pre...and from there to the preamp and amp.

Does it make sense to get a better cable to connect preamp to amp or would it not make a difference due to the rca leads on the turntable ?
I found totally opposite to Soix. Small signal domain has substantially larger demand in wire quality.
My experience is similar, I have had and SL1200mkII, changing cables made a huge difference. I contend that most audiophiles would never have and interconnect cable between an amp & pre as cheap as what comes on an SL1200 as a tonearem cable. So, for most audiophiles, typically changing your arm cable will make a bigger difference with that table. If you are using Radio Shack interconnects then it could be a toss up, but there is not doubt cables have made a difference where ever I have made changes, sometime subtle, sometimes not.
The chances that changing your preamp-to-amp interconnect cable will make a significant difference are increased if:

1)The output impedance of the preamp is high, which is most often the case if it is a tube-based preamp.

2)The preamp-to-amp connection is unbalanced (rca).

3)Cable length is long.

4)Capacitance per unit length of the existing cable is high.

5)Ground loop-related hum or buzz is present, which goes away when the safety ground pin on the power amp's power plug is temporarily isolated with a cheater plug.

6)RFI or EMI (radio frequency interference or electro-magnetic interference) is a problem.

None of that has any particular relation to the fact that rca connections are used for the turntable to phono stage connection.

Also, IMO, do not expect a high degree of correlation between cable performance in a given system and cable price. What matters more is how the design parameters of the particular cable match up with the particular system, which does not have a great deal of predictability.

-- Al