Power Cord brands mixing. "Your Opinions"

I have the following brand power cables and would like opinions.
1) LAT International AC-2 from Marantz DV9600 to Panamax MAX 5510-PRO.
2) Nordost Vishnu from Anthem AVM 50 to Panamax.
3) LAT International AC-2 MKII from BAT VK-6200 AMP to wall.
4) Shunyata Diamondback from OPPO BDP-93 Bluray to Panamax.
5) Shunyata Diamondback from Panamax MAX 5510-PRO to Wall Ps Audio socket.

Please take a look at the loom and tell me what you guys think.

Well, I see I've stirred the pot a bit. Good.

I'm not interested in how popular my ideas are as much as how efficacious my methods are in moving a rig toward superior sound. Some have voiced strong opinions but have not given any argument why mixed cables would be superior as a means of advancing a rig. I'd like to hear your arguments, not just emotional reaction. :)

I have come to my conclusion through many hours of comparison of mixed cabling versus homogenous sets of cables compared to one another, as well as to sets of mixed cables. I'm not unwilling to change my perspective in the matter, but disdain will have little effect on my perspective or conclusions.

I do value the input of people who have experience, who move beyond the simple, "I think," perspective. If you have experience in comparison of sets of cables versus mixed cables and have something to offer, I'm open to hearing it.
12-26-11: Douglas_schroeder
"Some have voiced strong opinions but have not given any argument why mixed cables would be superior as a means of advancing a rig. I'd like to hear your arguments, not just emotional reaction."

Oh, you mean like making the following statement - lacking in any philosophical explanation?

12-24-11: Douglas_schroeder
"Mixing cables virtually assures mediocrity."
You match a power cord and the component, generally speaking. In some cases there might be synergy if using the same brand especially if all your components are the same brand too.
Anyway, if I could put something like Purist Limited on every component I have, I would certainly try that first and then compare the result with some other cords somewhere in the system.
And another thought. If the cord is really good, it will work at least well if not always great with any piece of equipment.
558 - while I don't have your exact combination of power cables, I have something similar. I have one each of LAT AC-2, AC-2 MKII and LAT AC-3 in my system. The AC-2 feeds my amp; the AC-2 MKII feeds my preamp, and the AC-3 feeds my PS Audio Juicebar. I have Shunyata Venom 3's feeding my DAC and phono preamp. I also have one of the earlier Shunyata Venom's (maroon color) feeding my Oppo BDP-83. I have placed the LAT cords in what I beleive are the more critical positions since they are a larger gauge than the Shunyatas. To my ears both the LAT power cords and the Shunyata's I've tried (Venom, Diamondback) are fairly neutral and therefore I see no problem mixing and matching them in a system. I have found the Venom 3 is more open-sounding than the Diamondback, so you may want to give a Venom 3 a try.
12-26-11: Tpreaves
All this time I thought my stuff sounded pretty good, now I find out it's only mediocre. Excuse me while I go shoot myself in the head.

Never mind, I just realized all my PCs are made by PS Audio. Whew, I actually had the gun to my head !!!!