Clear Day Interconnects

I see Clear Day has interconnects back on the market. I really like Paul's speaker cable. Does anyone use these in their rig from when Paul sold these a few years ago? I'll probably try them out with a home demo. If they are as good as his speaker cable the interconnects should be a winner too.
Rx8man, when you say doubling-up, do you mean buy a new pair from Paul, having him double the conductors? How else would you double them?

As for the couple pairs I have, they sound very similar to his speaker cables; very open and transparent, extended and smooth, with just a hint of natural warmth. I like 'em!
02-13-12: Rfogel8
Rx8man, when you say doubling-up, do you mean buy a new pair from Paul, having him double the conductors? How else would you double them?

Talking interconnects that's the only way I know, two conductors per run(+ -) same awg.
Rfogel8, the model Rx8man and I have is called the double shotgun. It is a single run of wire with double the number of conductors of the shotgun model. It is a significant improvement from the shotgun to the double shotgun. The naming scheme for these confused me at first also.
Chris, Rfogel8 and I were referring to Paul's interconnects, not the speaker cables, sorry.
Pat, your post just above my last one was not there when I posted. I should have read farther up and I would have understood. My bad.