Clear Day Interconnects

I see Clear Day has interconnects back on the market. I really like Paul's speaker cable. Does anyone use these in their rig from when Paul sold these a few years ago? I'll probably try them out with a home demo. If they are as good as his speaker cable the interconnects should be a winner too.
Rfogel8, the model Rx8man and I have is called the double shotgun. It is a single run of wire with double the number of conductors of the shotgun model. It is a significant improvement from the shotgun to the double shotgun. The naming scheme for these confused me at first also.
Chris, Rfogel8 and I were referring to Paul's interconnects, not the speaker cables, sorry.
Pat, your post just above my last one was not there when I posted. I should have read farther up and I would have understood. My bad.
I borrowed the Clear Day ICs. They are very close to the Crimson Music Links, which are world class cables, in terms of sound signature. Very dynamic, great bass, very open sounding. Overall, the Clear Day double shotgun speaker cables are a diamond in the rough that outclass very expensive speaker cables at a fraction of the cost. The IC's are very similar in terms of how they sound. Overall, I would say the ICs are a great cable at a great price. The speaker cables are a revelation -- great cables that are stellar regardless of price. If you are on a budget, Clear Day ICs and double shotgun speaker cables are better than Gabriel Gold Revelations at a very reasonable price and should be considered by anyone who doesn't want to pay outrageous markups.
Great to hear Mcondon, a product that performs well beyond it's price point is welcome, my double shotgun speaker cables sound phenomenal btw.