Nordost Valhalla Power Cords

.....a question directed to the owners as well as the past owners of these power cords. We do not need to get in - what will it be going on, what are the room dimensions, what music do you listen to etc, etc, etc. Just your thoughts on these power I have mine and just want to see / hear what you think.
Thanks Kiwi. RE the ODIN main in and all the rest Vishnu PC loom, Lars of NordOst has demonstrated this in Shanghai. Any Goners have tried this? If this works, I will gladly upgrade to ODIN for the main tier and use all Vishnu downstream.
I owned them and I sold many of them. For source and pre-amp they can take your set to a higher level. But for amps there are many better options. Purist Audio for example is for poweramps superior. You hear it in the low freq. it goed dieper and you hear more layers. In the mid freq it is opener and better focused. Depth is also better than Valhalla. Wenn I used 100% Valhalla you will always loose depth and individual focus. I have done these tests over and over again. For me it is as simple as 1 and 1 is 2
My experience has been the same as Bo's. Valhalla has great resolution and top end. But you might find more weight, depth with other cables. In my experience they worked very well on my preamps, but I felt that the thinned out my digital front end too much, some more than others. Odin might be the ticket, but I have never tried them.
Odin has more authority. But the same problem in weight and depth. But it also misses an extreemly sharp imaging. Acoustic sound is very direct and small in dimension. Sound lacks emotion. I still think Nordost is useful for a part. Only using Nordost is never a Walhalla. Because there are always important parts missing what should be there for a perfect ballanced sound. Nordost people always became irritated when I said this. They said: it is your personal preference. But all the people with who I did the tests had the same conclusions. It is as it is. Some people have problems to face the truth!
I have one Brahma left to replace and can't wait. Purchased a Valhalla interconnect last week for very good price and is being reterminated to RCA. That will completed the interconnect upgrade. Still running Valkyrie speaker cable which will be the last piece to the Valhalla puzzle. It has taken a long time and have purchased most as used or demo. The improvement as I have added piece by piece has been something. I have not had the pleasure of hearing an Odin demo but heard it is amazing and know of a fellow who went from Valhalla power to and Odin. Well beyond my league unfortuately-it was a big enough decision to accept the valhalla path