Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...

Hi, I have a few Shunyata CX powercords (anaconda cx and king cobra cx). Has anyone done a detailed comparison? What are your thoughts as to the differences?

I did just replace my Hydra vray II with a Hydra Triton, and that was a nice improvement, in clarity, naturalness, ease and dynamics. It was one of those upgrades that once it goes in...wasn't even worth going back to compare...

Thanks in advance
Ok. I got my Anacondas ztron SP cables. Right off the bat, they are great, although I do not find them spectacular. However, they only have 10H on them. Not sure if such thing as cable break in exists but time will tell. I had Cardas Golden Presence before and had tried Shunyata Cirrus as well before making the purchase of the Anacondas (thanks to my dealer). My first impressions are: the Anacondas are better than the Cardas on several aspects like micro details, focus, fluidity (less grainy highs). Instruments are better defined and timbres are better as well. However, they are more laid back than the Cardas and more "polite". I do think it's a good thing but when you are used to a more forward sound, it's a bit like if something was lacking. I really liked my Cardas BTW but thought I was missing on some aspects and my tests with other cables proved that.

Compared to the Cirrus, the Ztron are more refined especially in the highs. However, I miss the bass of the Cirrus. Not that the Anacondas don't have a solid bass but the Cirrus were very strong on that regard (very punchy). BTW, the Cirrus were not new so that might explain the difference. I will report back when they have more hours on them and when I have time to do more serious listening.

I bought some of the first z-tron cables more than a year ago and now have Ztron cables throughout my system as well as the Triton conditioner. I can report that clearly audible changes occur during break in for these cables and that these changes are substantial. I have yet to meet or speak with a fellow owner who does not agree.

The technology is new and reminds me of how long it takes Teflon capacitors to truly open up. I know at least five other owners who concur that 400-500 hours is what it takes before the Ztron cables are at maximum performance level. This can be achieved much more quickly by using the Isotek or Purist burn in CDs.

Once the cables are completely burnt in, I would gladly put them up against any cable at any price. For those of you who
use a digital interconnect, the new Python Ztron cable is even more impressive. I'm about 100 hours away from full burn in and would be happy to report what I hear if anyone's interested.

Finally, I auditioned the Talos two weeks before the Triton and heard substantially more bass weight and micro detail from the Triton. That said, I think I would spend my money on more Ztron cables if I had to prioritize.
You are right Vhiner. I now have around 80H on them (no near 500H) but I'm already hearing clear improvements and much better performance from the cables than before. Bass has more impact and mid-range is opening up as well. It's now time to try Zitron Cobra AC power cords in my system. I will report my findings when both SP and AC cables are fully broken in.
Yes Vhiner I would be very interested in your opinion of the Python Ztron digital, as I've just ordered one. Also thinking of moving up from the V-Ray one, to the Triton if anyone has done that, please do tell.
>>Also thinking of moving up from the V-Ray one, to the Triton if anyone has done that, please do tell.<<

I heard a far greater increment of improvement moving from V-Ray I & II to the Triton than Hydra to V-Ray or V-Ray I to II. Try to hear one with a Zitron Anaconda feeding it from the wall.