Thoughts on Clear Day vs Grover Huffman SC's?

Hi all,

I'm hoping to receive some input on the pros and cons of these two speaker cables. From online reviews I understand that both are high regarded. Since I live in Europe, unfortunately I don't have the luxury to buy and try both.

Thanks in advance for any input!
I've had both these so can comment:

Clear Day - very neutral, detailed, smoothed at frequency extremes,

Grover - lively, detailed, rythmic, dynamic, natural.

Both very easy to use. If you want refined and neutral, go with the Clear Day, if you want lively and vivd, go with Grover.

One warning, break-in on the Grovers is *brutal* - you have to be patient.

I believe they both offer Money Back Guarantees.
I can chime in a little about GH's only, but sorry: not the speaker cables yet. I just purchased one pair of his I/C's however and finished about 150 hours on them...they sound fantastic. This one (1.5M) pair added such an open, natural, free-flowing energy to my system I was truly astonished. It's my first try with his cables and I'm considering his digital cable next (transport to Dac via S/PDIF)and very possibly his speaker cables as well. I will not disclose the brand I have swapped out because they are a LOT more $$$ and I don't like doing that but...if the GH digital is as good as his I/C I'm sure I'll be trying his speaker cables as well...with high expectations. Quite profound!
Recently bough Clear Day double shotgun speaker cable. Sorry, am unable to give you the direct comparison you are looking for but will say, in my system, the Clear Days were transformative.