DNM Stereo speaker cables-experiences?

I recently am enjoying an experiment with DNM solid core speaker cables, the newest version. They are connected to LS3/5a speakers from a tube amp as single wire not bi-wire.

My questions; do these cables need to burn-in, or is that all a myth?

Do you think that these cheap cables can really compete with, say, Zu cables or Kimber cables for example, especially in the bass department. I'm finding them to be a bit 'wooden' overall, and a bit lacking in bass definition. It may be that I am being presented with a soundscape which is simply different (to my Kimber Monocles) and I'm comparing cables rather than enjoying music!

Your experiences appreciated.
Mapleshade has some wires with similar minimalist design approach that I would like to audition someday.

I have several Mapleshade CDs that deliver unique binaural like sound on my main rig with all DNM reson ICs currently.
It's great that you love the DNM Speaker cables, now look into the HFTN IC's you'll be glad you did. They take coherrence and naturalness to a whole new level. They run about $500 1m pair.


can be purchased here http://www.simplifiaudio.com/online_store/dnm_cables_store.html
DNM sound good with any amp,any speaker. Is there any other that are like that?
Hello DNM solid core speaker cables,good bye to my $3300 per pair grossly overpriced,and overhyped, garden hose type cables,excellent neutral sound,top to bottom ,vocals to die for, again might sound different in another system..but for me its audio nirvana,,,cayin 300b SET integrated,omega systems single driver(by the great Louis of Omega systems in Norwalk Ct.)this is the best sound i have had in my home in 25years,,,
Way to go Dodger4!

Welcome to the club. :-)

DNM has it going on all over the high buck stuff!

Look into the HFTN IC's you'll be glad you did!