Mdrummer01, now I'll tell you what I really think which is that cables are such a con. I agree that there are differences in cable. But the reviewer that I refered to might have his own agenda. If he didn't have something significant to say he'd be out of a job, yes? My cable is also mixed. In my second system I have a signalcable power cord, then a Morrow IC, then a signalcable IC, then signalcable speaker cable. It sounds fine. I get emails from Morrow every week and almost every day which are annoying and bogus in their sales pitch. His sales go on endlessly. I never hear from Frank at signalcable unless I ask a question or put in an order. So I like Frank. He is straightforward and down-to-earth and none of his cable costs $500.
I remember a critic saying that he never thought he'd ever hear anything that sounded better than Nordost Red Dawn. But he did of course when Nordost came out with more expensive cable. I bought a Red Dawn IC and signalcable clearly outperforms it. I'm not advocating signalcable or any other cable, but cable doesn't excite me because I know that it is an endless circle. I'm sure some audiophiles enjoy the hunt. I'm also sure Clear Day is fine, Morrow is fine, signalcable is fine. IMHO don't take cable too seriously. There's always another cable over the next hill and then the next hill and the next hill.