Alpha-Core Goertz speaker cables

My curiosity is tickled by these speaker cables and the idea that low cable inductance is the desired electrical characteristic for speaker cables, after low resistance. I find no discussion of this in the past topics and few systems show these speaker cables. What are your thoughts on this type of cable and its advantages and disadvantages? Any current users of the M1 or M2? I am currently using Wyred 4 Sound Sx-500 monos with short anti-cables and Von Schweikert VR-4JRs. Thanks in advance.
The MI-2 is a nice cable at a great price. I have a set I still use on occasion in my system. As mentioned, the Zobel network may be required in order to prevent the amp from oscillating. I purchased mine with the Zobel network built in but you can get the Zobel network separately as well. Look up some posts by Audiogon member Sean (he dropped off here quite a while back) and you will find some interesting discussions on this speaker cable.
A p.s. to my previous post. In addition to capacitance being proportional to length, as I had mentioned, inductance is also proportional to length (as is resistance, for that matter). The relatively short length that you require will reduce whatever difference having low inductance per unit length might make.

-- Al
Thanks to all. Al, I was hoping you would reply, so thanks to you as well. I understand better now and think it is an interesting approach but it may be "an answer in search of a question".
FWIW, I have used both the MI 2's and MI 3's with Alpha-Core's external RC networks (zobel's) and have found them to be the best sounding speaker cables I've ever used. I do suggest you do a search here on Audiogon, there was quite a bit of posting done on them, some of the most interesting by Sean. Better yet, give them a try,
Alpha-Core has a generous free trial policy, don't forget to ask for the RC networks.
I've been using the MI3 speaker cables for many years with out any amp problems, but I recently purchased new speakers with a tri-wire connectons on back. I have the opportunity to purchase another set of (used) MI3 cables, but I wonder if doubling the amount of these cables will cause my amp problems. Anyone out there had experience with this? I've had my cables since 1997 so I don't know what I did with the networks or if I ever had them.