The above companies offer inexpensive speaker cables, especially Paul Speltz's compamy ANTI-CABLE, Has anyone tried one or both of these speaker cables??? I am always suspicious of claims of outperforming speaker cables costing 5 to 10 times more.

I just sold Acoustic Zen Hologram 2 speaker cable because it is too awkward, and easy to trip over. Need some feedback about the above inexpensive cables. Thank you
The coating on the Anti-Cables is not "magic sauce." There's no secret to these cables, they just work very well for some people in some systems. But talk about awkward!
Paul Speltz also has silver cables...more expensive but brings out that last little bit that makes the difference.
You want to replace AZ Hologram II with Anti-cables?. I used all AZ cables and tried Anti-cables. AZ cables are in different league, no comparison. Even Analysis Plus 9 were way better then Anti-cables.
Anti-cables are great in their price range but can't compete with Holograms. Different world.
To Jkuc.I decided against the Anti-Cables in favor of Audio Art SC-5 speaker cable (SEE MY UPDATE before Drubin's response) Also see "Almarg" first response in the list; he cautioned me about the higher inductance of the ANTI-CABLE, and some highend roll off.

As good as the Audio Art budget cable is, it not in the same league as AZ Hologram 2 AA's soundstage is bigger, and I get somewhat tighter bass than H-2's, however. they need more break-in. The larger question is whether SC-5SE(Special edition) for 3x the money offers a greater audible improvement.

I almost went with Morrow Audio SP Reference 4 which has received excellent customer reviews, but the price is in about $800 for 12 ft pair which I need in my room set-up. BTW, Morrow's SP-6 Reference is supposed to be the killer speaker cable in the line, but they are about $1200(I think) for a 12 ft pair Thanks for your response.

I would like to hear from members who might currently use or used any of Morrow Audio Reference line speaker cable and with what speaker
I am using Mike Morrow's SP4's, 6' lengths, between a PrimaLuna Prologue II integrated and a set of Totem Arro's @ 4ohms. These cables take a long, long time to settle in, a process I am still enduring. Read testimonials on his site and other places on the Web, and the word "rollercoaster" will come up, a one-word assessment that is fairly accurate. At times, the soundstage has either fallen, dynamics are thin, bass is muddy, mids shrink, highs splay out, or even volume drops--I have experienced different combinations of the above kill-list sometimes within the course of a song. But these negative issues are lessening. Rather, the enjoyable aspects of what I was expecting are coming to fruition: soundstage that plays out into the room, clarity and richness, silence and attack, definition and air. The musicality that you have mentioned is all there, or becoming moreso, and has been increasing enough to make me keep them. Burn-in has become a reality for me (perhaps its to do with the dialectric?), as I'm listening to it right now, and there have been days when the only sound I hear from my speakers is buyer's remorse. But patience is rewarding me, the good days are becoming more frequent, and even the bad days are turning into fewer bad minutes. We'll see how it goes...
I understand that moving up Mike's line of cables is worth it, but for now, the SP4's is what I could afford, with no regrets. Have him put the cables on the cooker--a good investment. And you'll still have plenty of burn-in on your rig. He also has a healthy return policy, so if they just won't pony to your system, no worries.
Not as smart as Al and the others, but that's all I got for now. Happy hunting.