Kimber, Signal or Blue Jeans?

So if it was between Kimber 4VS cables, Signal Cable Ultra cables, or some Blue Jeans, any reason I should go with one or the other for my Walsh Microtalls? They'll be driven with a Peachtree Nova amp/dac. I found an 8ft. pair of the Signals used for $55, so that's tempting but the Kimber's seem to be the favorite here...
I agree the Signal Cable sounds like a great deal.

If you want to spend a little time discovering whether speaker cables in that price range can make a difference in your system you could also get 16 feet of Canare 4S11 from and just connect it bare wire for testing. It's really good cable, used by a number of cable vendors, and only $1.29 a foot, meaning 16' of it would set you back $21 plus shipping.
I have been using the Signal Cable Ultra cables with my Triton Three's.....sound great!
Here's my set-up:

Primaluna Dialouge 2
Triton Threes
W4S Dac-1
Sonos modded unit by W4S
Signal cable magic power cords and interconnects

I think they a real bargin, other good options are Cullen Cable, Pangea power cords....personall I'd stay away from Audioquest...way over priced for what you get!
I use Blue Jeans speaker cable and balanced interconnects. Wondering if I was missing out on anything, I did at one point audition Kimber 8tc speaker cable (which is about triple the cost of the 4vs) as well as Kimber Hero XLR interconnects and couldn't hear any difference in my system whatsoever. I have no doubt the Kimber products I tried would make a difference in other systems, but in my system they did not.

But I agree with Milpai, for only $55 why not give the Signal products a try.

Also, if you are not aware of it, The Cable Company is a good resource for auditioning a wide variety of cables. You can "borrow" cables from them to try out at home for 5% of the selling price (which is then applied to the price of the product if you decide to buy).
All of them are good cables.
I may be wrong but Signal is using canare and belden, like blue jeans. The difference is in the terminations.
I shopped with blue jeans - I have canare 4s11 for speaker cables @ about $30 for a 10ft pair, and I do not know why I should pay more. For Interconnects, I have a short bl-1 and 4ft long canare lv-61. I prefer canare lv-61 over bl-1 personally.
You can't go wrong with canare, especially with their rca plugs.
In my opinion, they are the best cables period. Those who disagree with my opinion will at least agree that they are the best for the money, I am sure.
I ABed SIgnal Double Run and Blue Jeans in my system at one point, and I (and my GF), thought the Signal noticably, but massively preferable). Both good value, easy to deal with companies.
