5AR4/GZ34 Rectifier Tubes

Is anyone currently making a tube of this type that rivals the performance of the best NOS Mullard tubes? I'm surprised that Sophia, Psvane and others appear not to have offered this tube. Suggestions?
Gold Lion 2, Create Synergy 0. No small accomplishment for GL to beat the create at half the price! Thanks again to Bayreuth for drawing this tube to our attention. Now, if they would just be so kind as to offer a 6SN7 that beats the Sophia!
Definitely a Great find at $40! I still haven't found a 6SN7 that beats my Ken Rad VT 231 but I'd be willing to try some Gold Lion Genalux if they decide to make them...
Wig have you tried the Tung-Sol 6SN7 tubes (old NOS) tubes?

I just purchased the GL 5AR4 and will try it tomorrow in my preamp to see what happens.
OK tried the GL tube today. Not bad for $35. Pretty good resolution, soundstage, etc. Mids are very nice but I would not say tube sounding but more relaxed softer sounding.

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Happy Listening.
Should sound better after about 70 hours and I have not had the opportunity to try tungsol.