5AR4/GZ34 Rectifier Tubes

Is anyone currently making a tube of this type that rivals the performance of the best NOS Mullard tubes? I'm surprised that Sophia, Psvane and others appear not to have offered this tube. Suggestions?
Wig, letting it burn in. As for the NOS Tung-Sol 6SN7 found or oval plate tubes, they were the most musical 6SN7 tubes I tried. Expensive though. They have a more delicate sound, highs have more air (more floating of images), mids are some of the best that I have heard from a 6SN7, bass is well defined maybe a little softer sounding. Top to bottom just more musical sounding, less overall stress sounding. Also better dimension of soundstage.

Happy Listening.
As far as 6SN7's, I own a dozen highly rated nos tubes but none are as good as the synergy / create 6sn7. It has very clear mids and good bass. Next best for me is the 6F8G national or ken rad (with adapters to tie into the top grid). These tubes have a similar clarity but not quite the bass of the create. In my rig, of course.
I tried the Create 6SN7 in my cd player and they weren't close to my W's or Ken Rad VT-231; I'd be interested in the Tungsol if they were available at decent price...
I tried the Create 6SN7s in my Modwright LS100 and they sucked. One of the worst I tried. The 5AR4 (GZ34) from Create is excellent, but their 6SN7 was not a good choice...for me anyway.
Hi Wig,

I just ordered a Gold Lion Genalex Tube from E-bay but it has Cryoset Deep Cryogenic Treatment. Do you have any opinions on this tube and its Cryro treatment? I'm going to use it in my ModWright Sony 5400. Its going to replace my Mullard Blackburn 1972 NOS Tube. Here is the link:

[url]http://www.ebay.com/itm/380760414348?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 [/url]

Also, I'm using matched pair of Sophia Electric 6SL7 Tubes on my ModWright Sony 5400, which I love totally. I'm very happy with this pair and have no desire to try and roll and compare any more tubes in that category. LOL. :-)
