Morrow Audio Cables Feedback

I would appreciate any feedback on experience with Morrow Audio Interconnects and Speaker Cables.

Particularly with McIntosh.

level 3 IC is very neutral, extended and detailed

I would recommend them with systems that are a bit warm
I also own the MA3's. I agree with Philjolet's characterization of them, although keep in mind that the effects of cables are largely system dependent. Having said that, I'm very happy with them. I've owned several interconnects from big name manufacturers that cost 5 times as much. I don't miss them.

I also own Morrow speaker cables. I'm equally happy with them.

I own the Morrow MA6 XLR interconnects, SP6 Bi-wire Speaker Cables, and the Dig4 digital cable. They are very good cables, better than most , and I have tried many, many cables.
But, for my system, I prefer the MAC cables "Ultra Silver" with the 5N solid silver soft annealed cables they have the dynamics the Morrow's lack.
Over the last 20 years I built up an array of cables in my system including Goertz, Tara, Cardas, Audioquest, Tributaries. I decided to try a pair of Morrow interconnects. Within about 4 months, I have changed (read major upgraded) every interconnect in my system to Morrow. All others mentioned are now in the 'parts box'.
Jaw-dropping sound stage, top-to-bottom coherence, detail retrieval. However, more than most cables I have owned, you have to be patient with break-in. The Morrows take time to settle in. I'd strongly recommend taking advantage of the trial period on a pair.