interconnect brand/model attributes????

does anyone know of a web site that can provide unbiased information on the sonic characteristics of different interconnects????
Try calling the Cable Company...they have a Lending Library and the guys who operate the phones are generally quite helpful in listening to you and helping steer you thru the maze of different cables. And again, you can use their library and trial a bunch in your home.
IMO it's unlikely an "unbiased" data base of the info you seek could ever be collated simply because a cable can sound variable with different components. Input impedance, sonic characteristics of speakers, cartridges, amps, etc. all alter one's perception of a wire's "sound." Since what one would consider a desirable cable is system dependent, Lloyd's answer is eminently sensible.
There are generalizations made such as cardas golden series are warm sounding, etc...

Understabding not all cables can be assesed on the same exact equipment, but, say two to three cables can be assesed by one individual with general characterisitcs noted.. If this could all be correlated into one site/location...

weeding through hundreds of gon pages---crazy