Don't read you'll be sorry

Just got my new Audioquest K 2 speaker cables from DH GATE yep I said it. I bought my previous Audioquest cables from my former employer [Audio Buys] Summer job pre wiring houses. Still great friends. Anyway paid their cost for a brand spanking new pair of "Bed Rock" cables I was so proud. So what I know are quote un quote real Audioquest cables just got blown away by a $380.00 total cost [shipped door to door in 6 days] pair of Audioquest k2's from DH Gate.
On Audioquest website there is theory-education sub-section "Do No Harm". Audioquest explains that silver plated copper is used mostly at high frequency video or digital applications but they use it for subwoofer cables. It sounds like PSS is pure solid silver.
I take it the cables you have are single wire. I was really looking for biwire. but I have another question. How did you determine that the wire is silver coated? did you scrape off some silver to expose copper?

this whole thread makes me question the economics of making counterfeit cables as opposed to grey market. In this case, if the K2 cable is counterfeit, the maker went to a lot of trouble and effort to copy the external and internal packaging, with molded plastic container, silkscreen the correct labeling on the cables and connectors, create the battery pod for the 72v dielectric charge, copy the exterior sheath, and use the same guage wires, with the only difference we might find is that the wires might be silver plated instead of solid silver. seems like a lot of work to sell something at 3% of the normal retail price.

I would suspect that these are more likely grey market or back door cables out of the same factory in China
PBN said, "you get what you pay for," but I'd argue that's not really true here. If it is indeed Rockefeller, it's still a huge bargain at the price, right?

There's one other piece of the puzzle that hasn't been addressed. Someone needs to cut open some legitimate K2 to compare with the results of PBN's investigation.
"If it is indeed Rockefeller, it's still a huge bargain at the price, right?"

Not really. This "factory" most likely makes whole line of fake cables including fake Rockefeller.
The point is that if it realy looks like Rockefeller it will sound like one too. No matter how righteous you are, you can't and won't stop this market.