Speaker cable ... probably not Yamamura, or?

I am in the market for some new speaker cables. I have very good experience with Yamamura interlinks (I own the M4000, M5000, and M6000). However, I do have the feeling that these 'soften up' the sound a bit.

I was considering some Yamamura speaker cables as well, but I am unsure whether a full Yamamura-cabled system would be too much of a good thing... Can you recommend some cables that keep the life in my system?

My system:
Pass F5 amp
Tube preamp (DIY Aikido)
Tube DAC (DIY TDA1541a S2)
Michell Gyrodec Turntable
You can think about cables from "Signalcable". They are very good in general, high quality connectors and the price is very fair.
Telurium Q Blue, Black or Ultra Black
The Auditorium 23 are also quite good
What are your speakers?
moderately priced, full range, amazingly clear, detailed sound, without a hint of harshness.
Excellent illusion of an in-the-room performance.
If you like listening to the human voice or acoustic instruments then it is easiest to immediately realize how natural, musical, and realistic great recordings actually sound.
Great speaker cable gives one the feeling that a recording played through the system can't sound any better.