Cable Recommendations

My system is comprised of McIntosh 2301 amps and Sonus Faber Stradivari speakers. My other equipment is McIntosh C1000 c/t/p preamp, McIntosh MCD1100 CD/DAC, Avid Volvere TT and a McIntosh MEN220 room correction system (the best money I've ever spent....but that's another topic).

I do not have any decent cables as I literally have spent most on my system and then wanted to finish my room treatments first. Now that I've finished that, I am starting my cable venture (speaker, IC, PC). At present, my budget doesn't allow me to spend much more than about $5,000 for everything.

I would like to get some recommendations. WireWorld? Morrow? Audio Art? Other? Sorry, but I'm just not going to spend $20,000 no a pair of speaker cables. I'm looking for screaming good value to start out with.

Signal Cable Silver Resolutions.
There is another gentleman on this forum who has mega-buk system like yours and uses them:

Upgraded to a Shot-gunned NORDOST FREY speaker cable set ; with shot-gunned HEIMDALL jumpers, and matched to FREY XLR ICs.

RESULT: The improvements in all aspects were huge. These were a great extension to my REGA ISIS valve cdp, REGA OSIRIS amp and REGA R9 speakers kit.

Google them and you will see the HEIMDALLS/FREYs/TYRs (v.1) being heavily discounted by the dealers as they roll out the V.2
Ohno Continuous Cast (OCC) copper or silver wire, teflon dielectric, good connectors, i.e., no brass content. The product name isn't important. What's in it is important.

Note: OCC = single crystal, just another name for it.