I will simply say that being cheap holds back one's rig FAR more than most think. This is one of the reasons why I say, "The greatest impediment to building an audiophile system is the audiophile. 11-04-12: Douglas_schroeder
"being cheap holds back one's rig FAR more than most think.?" I disagree. The greatest impediments to building an audiophile system have more to do with the audiophile's knowledge, experience, and funds; an audiophile's bank account in this economy is frequently an impediment. I'm confident that knowledge and experience often teaches audiophiles that cable quality matters in music reproduction. The decision to purchase more expensive cables only ocassionaly has to do with being "cheap," but for many it comes down to a choice between buying necessities and buying luxuries. Affordability becomes more important when finances are constricted. $1k (or more) power cords for many that are interested in quality audio are considered a luxury. Millions of people, audiophiles included, who formerly had good salaries are now unemployed or under-employed. Ones unwillingness to spend money on expensive power cords in these times isn't only a matter of being "cheap." I have no doubt there are many audiophiles that are not Fortune 500 executives or doctors making 6 to 7-figure salaries a year. I believe it's more often prudence rather than cheapness that stops many from buying more expensive cables now. Those who don't believe in the importance of cable choices are part of a different discussion.