Aq sky vs stealth indra

I really appreciate your feedbacks about these two cables. I am planning to use between my phono pre to my amp. I am using aq wild tone arm cable.

I agree 100% with John about the Indra. I didn't say anything before though because I've never heard the Sky.

I have both. The Indra is incredibly detailed, transparent, neutral but full-bodied, a bit warmer than Valhallas, which I also have.

The Sky's are excellent cable but I would say a notch below the Indra's in the food chain, very well-balanced, good body, not as fast or transparent as Indras, better for a component that is a bit "hot." Very "liveable" cable; does nothing wrong.

Just my op.

I agree with Nglazer except IMO Sky is way overpriced for the performance in my system. For the price, I want something that is MORE than "liveable".