Nordost ICs mixing with other speaker cables

Just wondering if anyone has success? I read people advice NOT mixing Nordost with cables from other brands.
I use Nordost Heimdall IC in conjunction with Mapleshade Double Helix Speaker Cables and have no issues. The sound is fantastic. Don't buy into the marketing hype - trust your ears; it if sounds good, that's all that really matters, right?
Hi Kzhtoo,

I would not recommend mixing other cables with Nordost. I have tried without success mixing in other brands such as Cardas, Crystal and Ecosse.

In the finish I arrived at one simple conclusion. Cables add another variable to the system. Multiple brand cables = multiple variables. In HiFi it makes life more controllable when variables are reduced. Nordost has a 'house sound' that is surprisingly consistent across the portfolio. This is extremely helpful in not only reducing variables and attached risk to these - but in also creating a loom synergy which in certain instances seems to sum to greater than the parts. YMMV.
Every Nordost cable I've tried has been replaced with something else. As always, YMMV.
I have had great success mixing Nordost IC's with other manufacturer's products. One of the few combinations that I actually didn't like was an all Nordost system. Too spotlit sounding for me.
I have the same experience as Wescoman's above. The Heimdal/Mapleshade combination is killer. Bright, but sounds fantastic.
I upgraded to an all NORDOST FREY kit,

(a) Started with FREY XLR ICs .... a big improvement as expected so far ... great!

(b)I then next upgraded the speaker cables to NORDOST FREY shotgunned speaker cables with matched jumpers: = another quantum leap in improvement that was not subtle.

THE POINT: there is synergy in an all NORDOST system