Need inexpensive ICs with superior shielding

Looking for something in the Signal Cable Analog 1 or 2 price range. I'm using the Analog 1 now to feed my rear speakers in a HT setup. They were fine with my previous actives which were used in the back. I've since replaced them with EmotivaPro Airmotiv 5 and I'm now getting hum from the speakers. Disconnecting the ICs shows that the speakers themselves are dead quiet. Also no hum when I have the ICs connected but turn off the MC preamp. Never had noise or hum in the last speakers and the setup is otherwise exactly the same. I'm wondering if the gain in the Airmotivs is greater than in the older speakers and it's now amplifying the hum that may have always been there. Would ICs with improved shielding help me here?
maybe-i use shielded ic from inexpensive, custom built and good quality.
Are both speakers plugged into the same outlet? If not, try using an extension cord and plugging them into the same outlet. This fixed a hum problem in my active speakers. It could be a ground potential problem between the two different outlets, or between the speaker outlets for the active speakers vs the outlet for the pre-amp/processor. You can also try 2-prong cheater plugs if the speaker PCs are 3-prong.