Do expensive cables/wires REALLY make a difference

Im fairly new to the hifi world and just recently purchased a couple of high end question is this:ive been reading alot about cables and speaker wire,do the expensive ones really make that big of a difference???Is it really worth spending a small fortune on cables?? And is Monster Cable really overrated like ive been reading? Any help would be useful,thank you.
Youre wrong Arctic.I have done this for decades, Guess I have to be concidered as a "golden ears"-guy but there is not much mystery to it, just a lot of practice and a wery clean, open system that reveals every little change.

The clean, open system is off course the key, when People first time hears my system I often hear "oh, now that explains why you are able to hear..."
Hi, I agree with Unfairlane about cables!, I my self have run countless test with many, many folks in audio stores and my home, never have I seen where someone picked the cheaper cable!, I will admit however, It does matter what brand and model of cables a test is done with, not all exspensive cables can pull the job off hugely!, so in a since I agree with you somewhat about cheaper cables, I can tell you Taralabs, nordost, crystal cables,sihltech cables,purist audio design cables, and a few other brands will make a huge difference to cheaper cables!, now when you say cheaper cables, I am assuming any ole big gauge cable and length will do?, Now when you say a cheaper cable from the likes of Taralabs or nodost out performing a more exspensive cable from another brand,, I can believe that story!, Happens all the time!, Happy Listening.
Yes, but the better the system the more the cables short coming will reveal them self and vice-versa how good they are.
07-21-13: Arcticmonkey

If you have the resources and inclination, you can easily win money from the people who so vociferously defend buying expensive cable by setting up blind tests.

Even people who design speaker cable can't consistently pick the "better" cable.

I've heard tests of cheap wire vs. expensive (same gauge and length, both properly insulated) many times with the same result. No discernible improvement.
Can you give details?
Have you won money from people?
Have you done these blind tests yourself or did you just read or hear about them?
Descriptions, links, anything?
I ask because I've read a lot about these tests but when pushed for details the details never come.
Cable facts:
When deciding on cables, don't trust your ears.
A:B testing doesn't work.
The cable that makes no difference is the best one.
Buy the best one that you can afford.