What do you mean by "better" when it comes to cabl

I have read a number of posts here and on other sites regarding cables being good or better or great or whatever. Once you use a pure copper or silver conductor, wrap it in a decent, effective insulator and terminate with quality RCA connectors, then what is it that an audiophile is looking for the cable to do? In other words, how does it become "better". Is it a matter of adding colorations. Or are people suggesting that there is some signal loss over 1 meter which degrades the sound and can be restored through better cable. and how does that restoration occur, or is it simply a matter of reducing loss. Is the cable being used as a tone control? an equalizer? Are we trying to achieve something more than what a preamp or component is putting out in the first place.
I am not in the camp that claims that cables dont make a difference, because I have heard a change in my system with a different cable, but it wasnt something strong enough for me to even articulate the change accurately. It sounded "better" but I dont know how or why. what is it that the better cable is supposed to do?
It's "better" if it complements your equipment.Depending on what they are made of,the inductance,capacitance,etc.varies from one cable to the next.One will bring out the best in your equipment and another will not.
I guess for me, then, the best would be the one that doesnt do anything, and gets out of the way. That way when I try different cartridges, arms and tables, I dont have to adjust the cabling to "fix" the sound. this must drive people who keep changing their system batty, or at least, broke.
01-26-13: Manitunc
I guess for me, then, the best would be the one that doesnt do anything, and gets out of the way. That way when I try different cartridges, arms and tables, I dont have to adjust the cabling to "fix" the sound. this must drive people who keep changing their system batty, or at least, broke.

The cable that you desire, one that doesn't do anything, does not yet exist.....yet. It sounds like you prefer to tune your equipment around your cables, which is fine, there are plenty of ways to get to the same destination. However, choosing a table, arm or cartridge that best matches with you cables is not that much different than choosing cables that match your table, arm or cartridge.

Since the bottom line is putting together a system that sounds "best" to you, synergy is the key. Only you can choose what path you want to follow to lead you there. Maybe I am lazy, but for me it is easier to change cables than to change turntables, so I tend to tune the table/arm/cartridge to my tastes via cables. Yes, sometimes changing a cartridge requires me to change cables too. It's all about synergy, and for me that means balancing the resolution with the musicality to suit my own taste. Any change may require further changes down the line.

I have no problems with whatever floats your boat. I choose not to shut down any roads to my own sonic nirvana. If you'd prefer that some roads should not be taken, that's fine, I don't care. However, do not complain about others that choose to take a path that you wish not to. Allow others to enjoy themselves, they are not harming you.
Didnt think I was complaining, but read into my post what you will. Obviously you dont comprehend well, or I dont express well, because I dont tune equipment around cables. I care little for cables, as long as they seem to work, are decently manufactured and dont have an obvious undesireable effect. Perhaps you prefer to obsess otherwise, and that is certainly your right.
Why does every cable thread have to turn into a pissing contest for some folks?