Best speaker cable for Krell/Dynaudio?

Hi guys,

I'm looking for the best matching cable for my system. Any advice will be helpful. My components are
- Krell Evo 505 SACD player
- Krell Phantom II preamp
- Krell Evo 402e power amp
- Dynaudio C4 speakers

I use Nordost Cast ic's, Krell Vector HC and Nordost Vishnu power cords.

I'm now considering the following ones:
- Audioquest Redwood
- Wireworld Gold Eclipse 7
- Nordost Tyr 2
- Crystal Reference
- Purist Dominus
- Synergistic Element Tungsten
- Tara Labs 0.8
- Kimber 6065

So, what do you think?
Guys, thank you again for your helpful answers.

It seems that some Tara cables are on the way, Omega Gold and two Cobalts for player and preamp. It'll take two weeks to get them. It was a tough decision, PAD, AQ and Valhalla 2 were in the running too, finally I got a good deal on Tara cables.

I'll keep you posted about my impressions. I'm really excited.
@ Ssblnt99, Hi, I just E-mailed Tara Labs With break-in concerns of the Tara Labs cobalt power cords, In turn, Devon scott-vice president E-Mailed Mr. Mathew Bond Himself for my answers, I was supprised!, His answer was because of the complexity of the construction of the cobalt power cords, It will take hundreds of hours to break-in, end of quote.., wow!, Because I have a cobalt connected to a digital player, and most in my opinion only draws 25 to 40 watts from the wall, I will give the cobalt 600 to 700 hours of burn-in, now, a pre-amp draws a little more from the wall, I would say 400 to 500 hours of burn-in on that position, and the other Tara Cables, Give them 400 hours of burn-in as well, they will still improve beyound these hours, but you get most of the sound at 400 hours, This is a real pain in the aXX to go thru all this burn-in, I know, I am Burning in a cobalt now!,Make sure you come over to the Tara Labs thread two or three months from now and post your impressions there too., cheers.
First of all the cables you listed all have totally different properties. They will all give a different outcome.

I would listen to as many you can borrow. I do not think that Nordost is a good combination with your set. I sold Nordost for over 9 years of time. I even owned the Valhalla for over 12 years of time.
Bo is essentially correct in that there are many choices that will all sound good. Best thing is to not overspend so you can buy and sell as needed.

Audioquest is a good place to start...readily available second hand and good value compared to many.