ILLusion Liquid Air Umbilical for Modwright units


I can tell you this without hesitation if you haven't already done so, upgrade your stock umbilical cord to an Audio Magic Liquid air or even an Illusion Liquid Air which I have and you'll be blown AWAY!

The results are like changing a component, this cable produces spooky pin-point imaging, 3D layering within the soundstage, low level detail never heard revealed with no brightness, pitch black background, extremely musical and truly a chameleon.

This cable is truly a revelation and must be heard to believe and I can say without question that you will be amazed...
Can you go into a little more detail about these Audio Magic umbilicals? Where do you get them and what connectors do you specify? It appears to me that at least some of the models are quite pricey LOL.

Our (Wig's and my) systems are pretty similar; we should share some more information about tweaks and tuning.
Rbbert, Thanks for the info on the 5U4G. Don't suppose you have any experience with the EML tube?

I do have the hole in the top, so I should be ok. BTW, (not to answer for wig) I just got off the phone with Jerry at Audio Magic. I ordered two Illusions, one for my HAPZ1 and one for my 5400. If you give Jerry a call, he knows exactly what connections are required for the MW power supplies and he is aware of this thread.

Jerry sells direct to customers as well as through dealers. Personally, I find it easier and faster just to buy directly from Audio Magic, but to each his own.

Contact Jerry at Audio Magic and he know which 4 pin connectors the MW units need. There is no price list on his sight regarding umbilical cords and a call would be needed for a quote and the price is very reasonable for the performance you get.

I have done some tweaks like Steve Blinn Maple shelves and Symposium HDSE roller blocks which are phenomenal in expanding soundstage, cleaner midbass and tighter image focus plus I'm planning on adding two Symposium shelves to the mix...
I'm more oriented towards Stillpoints these days; 3 Ultra SS under my speakers put my previous Rollerblocks to shame.

Thanks for the info for Audio Magic; (for comparison) I was looking at the power cord prices on his website
As for my rectifier, I'm using a 1958 Dutch black base Mullard GZ34. I can't say how it compares to any 5U4G's because I haven't tried any yet. I do like it better than the Gold Lion; IMHO the sound is both smoother and more dynamic. As for the 5U4G, other Modwright owners have extolled the virtues of NOS TungSol.

I must say that my experience with both the 6SN7 and the 5AR4 (GZ34) mirrors that of many others, i.e. no current production tubes match the better tubes from the '40's, '50's and '60's.