What is the benefit of balanced xlr cables

I just bought a marantz av7005 that has balanced outputs for xlr cables and I have a b&k st 125.7 s2 to hook it to also have a older Cambridge audio cd6 that has balanced connections on it.what are my befits to switching to these cables over my rca stuff.What is a good brand without breaking the bank,I've used blue jean cable,kimber kable,and synergestic THX
I could type up a long winded response, but i'd recommend jumping onto this webpage which includes illustrations. The information was posted by a high end audio engineer with 25+yrs experience & is easy to read. Re: cable recommendations, I can't help you there as I play at a different level. Though i'm sure other members will chime in. Hope that helps. Cheers.
.... because a component has XLR connections is no guarantee of balanced operation.
If an amp/pre amp and source is build balanced inside you will hear a clear difference between xlr and cinch.

I compared them both with many different amps and sources.

In most cases you hear a better dynamic, sharper focus en a little more air. It sounds more precise.
"11-23-14: Infection
@zd542 - they have XLR connections. "

Components and cables can have xlr connections, but that doesn't mean they're balanced.
I was just stating that they have XLR connections as I'm unsure if they're balanced...