Would silver cables beat UP-OCC copper?

All things considered, which is the better choice for best sound, silver (for example, Siltech) or UP-OCC copper, such as Furutech or Neotech? Thanks.
12-04-14: Dave_72
So, with that in mind, it sounds like I would prefer the silver, but I can't really say 100 percent.

That is why performing your own listening tests is so critical. No one else can really tell you which flavor you would prefer.
Many will gladly tell you what works best for them, but in this hobby, what works for some, doesn't work for others. You pays your money, you takes your chances.
I sincerely feel you should try Paul's Clear Day Silver cables. I don't know where you live - but you will ONLY loose $8 (at the max) shipping back, if you live in the US. His cables are pure silver and in my system they made a HUGE difference. I am sorry I cannot stop myself using these CAPS and all that, but I am still amazed that cables can have such a huge difference.
At the same time reach out to a dealer in UP-OCC copper cables and ask for demo. Then compare the cables in your system. Keep the cable that you love.
Ok, Jmcgrogan2 and Milpai, thanks for the info and recommendations. Much appreciated. :)
Silver as much as I can through out , if you do decide don't forget to pay attention to chassis sockets , silver pin XLR and or silver RCA ,preferably WBT silver sockets,
You've got to listen with your own system....every cable sounds different in different systems.