cable reviews?

I read the forums and the online magazines and always wonder about the cable reviews. How can I discover what all of the hype is about. I have read promising reviews about cable brands such as Cardas, TARA Labs, and Transparent. I admit I’m leaning towards TARA due to many awards I’ve seen in AbsoluteSound magazine. Cardas also seems to be pretty good also. Any advice on which cables would best suit my system. I have a modest system, with the new Sony Digital front end (brilliant), Bryston electronics and B&W loudspeakers. Thank you
It is truly trial-and-error but, for an all solid-state system like yours, I'd stay with heavy gauge mono-crystal copper (Wireworld, Harmonic-Tech, etc.).
First I think you need to identify what in particular you'd like to improve with new cables. This would also help greatly with recommendations here by the way. Then use reviews to help narrow down your search to those products that tend to have the characteristics you're looking for. If you can read through the hype you typically find in reviews there are usually some useful comments and comparisons to other products that can clue you in to the primary characteristics of a particular cable. That and recommendations you get here (again, after you give us an idea of what you're looking for) should net you at least a few finalists to try.

The cheapest way is, as mentioned above, to buy used to try the cables you're interested in. The good thing is cables are cheap to ship and are low risk of being damaged in transport so they lend themselves to buying used. There are also several manufacturers who sell direct with liberal trial periods that could also be worth exploring if they seem to do what you want.

Last thought is that you should also let us know what cables you're currently using so we know what you're current reference is.
"Unfortunately, the 3 manufacturers you mention have deep pockets in their marketing departments, which leads to many glowing reviews and awards. That's right, the glossy rags are basically pimps for the manufacturers, those that pay the money, get the lip service. So you can buy whatever it is they are hyping, or you can do your own homework and buy whatever cable it is that sounds best to you."

Well said, and the reason why their prices are 4x the lesser known brands.

To the OP: Check out some of favorites here in AGon. Many of the "lesser brands" offer a better product for far less money. Names like Audio Art, Cabledyne, Grover Huffman, etc.
Reviews is another form for marketting and advertisement.
It's done by professional writers who graduated with language major. Guess whatcha gonna do when you graduate college with any single language major? Either go general unprofessional labor or find some writing gigs ta earn yer breadnbutter and even if you found something you'll still have to go after writing articles to serve around tables or bar. With multiple languages it's a-bit more eaisier, but still not stable at all.
I mostly go for logical choice rather than rely on consumer reviews or thorough audiophile listening tests that I can't affort to waste the time on (maybe when retired, but not guarranteed at all). My choice stays with wires that widely used in recording studios which are Mogami and Demarzio.
You never know, both the fun and misery, of audiophilia is its all try and see.
Cables can sound different in different rooms much less different systems.