Pangea Power Cables comments

I have purchased multiple Pangea power cable from Audio Advisor and I would like to know if anyone uses these cables and are if they are recommended by anyone. I am using these cables with Vandersteen 5A subs and Aesthetix Atlas amp.

Any thought, comments or suggestions are appreciated.
Pangea's are a major upgrade from the stock cables. In fact, they are at the top of the line in a budget cable.

I am using higher-end cables now, and it's a whole different world, but also a blow to my bank account.
If I need another PC, I would most definitely buy a Pangea SE again.

One observation in my auditions, the XL series is not worth the money vs. the SE. In the price/performance category I would choose the SE.
I use the SE versions on all my gear. Was skeptical about the value of the XLs. Thanks for your input, Lowrider.
I would agree that the Pangea power cords are better than stock, but I'm with Schubert and Zavato on the Cullen Crossover. I replaced all of my Pangea cords (9SE and 14SE) with the Cullen Crossovers.
I'm surprised Elizbeth is not responding to this post. She is an avid Pangea fan.
My Cullen PC is every bit as good if not better than my Zu Misssion PC. And cheaper too.